National Culture Award expects to have more than 85 nominations

PETROPERU supports since five years ago the most important cultural recognition of this nation, this year dedicated to the letters and humanities.
In the framework of the 21st Lima International Book Fair the Ministry of Culture carried out the discussion table “National Culture Award: a new perspective for the cultural development of Peru”, which had the participation of the director of the Cultural Industries Directorate, Daniel Alfaro, and of Arturo Mejía, representative of the Arenas y Esteras Cultural Association, winner in the good practices category in 2012.
The discussion table took place in the Jose Maria Arguedas Room, and during it, Mr. Alfaro maintained that for this open call they expect to surpass 85 nominations, and that out of these, 55% will be for artists or institutions not from the capital.
“And everything that is new for this year will be that all of the participants will be recognized with the participation diploma. Regardless of who the winners are on October 21, everyone deserves this distinction”, indicated Alfaro, who also remarked the unbroken sponsorship of PETROPERU since 2013.
Meanwhile, Arturo Mejia, the representation of the Arenas y Esteras Cultural Association, maintained that the importance of the award is based on allowing people to dream with the development that respects and dimensions the creative capabilities of the human being.
It can be mentioned that this year, the National Culture Award is dedicated, in its fifth edition, to the Letters and Humanities in the categories Trajectory, Creativity, and Good Institutional Practices.
The Trajectory category is the living recognition to a person whose work and support of the Peruvian and universal art and culture, as a creator, has been sustainable and productive over time. For this category, the prize will consist of S/ 45,000, as well as a recognition diploma and a trophy.
The Creativity category is a living recognition to one or regional and transcendent creator of art and culture, who represents an innovative contribution. The prize will also consist of S/ 45,000, as well as a diploma and a trophy.
Finally, the good institutional practices category is the recognition to a public or private, nonprofit, organization, whose actions in favor of the protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions are an example to other cultural institutions. The prize is of S/ 50,000, as well as a diploma and a trophy.
The national culture award, with the support and sponsorship of PETROPERU, acknowledges the work of creators, artists, people and organizations, as well as public and private institutions, who contribute to the cultural development of the country.
To know more about the National Culture Award and download the rules, visit the link