National and international banking visited the New Talara Refinery

A delegation made up of more than twenty representatives of national and international banks participated in a guided tour of the New Talara Refinery, which is in its gradual and progressive start-up testing period for its subsequent start-up and start of commercial operation. in the last quarter of this year.
Together with the general manager of Petroperú, Cristina Fung Quiñones, the representatives of different financial entities began their visit by participating in a presentation on the modern refining complex with the capacity to process up to 95,000 barrels per day, producing quality fuels that are friendly to the environment. environment, due to its low sulfur content.
In the presentation, they were informed that, thanks to its modern deep conversion process plants, the New Talara Refinery will process the residuals to convert them into valuable products, generating greater profitability for the company, as is done in other refineries in the world. that have modern technologies such as Flexicoking.
After the exhibition, the visitors took a guided tour of this engineering and construction work that has 16 process units and five auxiliary units and complementary services, two liquid loading docks and 21 new tanks and a modern accredited laboratory.
The guided tours promoted by Petroperú help to keep its main stakeholders informed about the most important energy project in the country, thus strengthening trust in the company and guaranteeing its financial sustainability.
Technical visit
In the same way, the Board of Directors of the Supervisory Body for Investment in Energy and Mining (Osinergmin) made a technical visit to the modern refining complex that will allow the production of fuels with the quality required by national and international environmental regulations.
The visit included an exhibition and a guided tour of the facilities of the New Talara Refinery, following biosafety protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19.