Narrative workshop in PETROPERU

As part of its program of cultural activities this year, PETROPERU will present, during the month of April, its customary Literary Workshops at its premises in San Isidro, Av. Canaval Moreyra 150, San Isidro. Each session, completely free, will last two hours.
The first narrative workshop, called "An Approach to the Composition of Novels", will be taught by the narrator Percy Galindo, on Tuesdays 2, 9, 16 and 23 April, from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
In turn, the poet Óscar Limache will be in charge of the poetry workshop "An Iceberg Called Poetry", on Wednesday 3, 10, 17 and 24 April, at the same time.
Both workshops, under the care of two winners of the Copé Award (Percy Galindo won the gold trophy in the First Novel Biennial with Como los verdaderos héroes and Óscar Limache received the same award in the IV Poetry Biennial with Viaje a la lengua del puercoespín) seek to provide guidelines for better solvency in the creative writing process, so that those interested in participating in the next Copé Awards do so by addressing both formal and aesthetic aspects that each literary genre demands.
This activity is part of the celebrations for the 40 years of the Copé Prize and the program of cultural activities of PETROPERU, which include -during 2019- important exhibitions; sponsors and participation in the International Book Fair in Lima and publication of winning works of the Copé 2018 awards and other works of the Copé Ediciones label; as well as decentralized artistic presentations, among others.