Mothers of soup kitchens of Ilo receive support from PETROPERU
- Judging panel highlighted imagination and use of recyclable materials in each dining room.

Several soup kitchens in the province of Ilo, Moquegua Region, participated in the "Contigo Perú" decoration contest, on the occasion of the 197 national anniversary, in an activity promoted by the Provincial Municipality of Ilo and PETROPERU.
The qualifying jury was composed of representatives of the state oil company and the ministries of Social Inclusion and Health, who toured the soup kitchens located in the peripheral areas of the city, such as Bello Horizonte and César Vallejo. Later they moved to the AAHH José Carlos Mariátegui, Nueva Victoria, Los Ángeles, Las Glorietas and Mirador El Pacífico.
The mothers of the social organizations took pains in the setting of their communal premises, highlighting the originality and creativity in the decoration and beautification of the same, which were acclimated with recyclable material, thus taking full advantage of compact discs, soft drink containers, aluminum cans, among others.
The popular dining room Flor de María was the winner of the contest; the second place went to Sor Ana de los Ángeles and the third place was won by the Virgen de Guadalupe soup kitchen. The prizes -microwave ovens and blenders- were delivered by PETROPERU personnel, through the Social Development Sub-Directorate, and representatives of the local commune. The mothers of the soup kitchens appreciated the prizes awarded by the oil company.
The manager of Economic and Social Development of the Municipality of Ilo, María Alvarado, recognized the important role that PETROPERU develops in this province. "We are happy that the company offers its support to social organizations and even more, sponsors cultural identification competitions. The state oil company is with us whenever we need it and we are grateful for it," said the official.
It should be noted that PETROPERU continues with the execution of the New Terminal Ilo, a work that is in the improvement phase of land for the foundations of sales and billing offices, income control and reports.
As is known, this new terminal is located 24 kilometers from Ilo, in the Loma La Buitrera area. It will distribute, for the southern part of the country, gasohol of 84, 90 and 95 octane, and diesel B5-S50 for the Bolivian market. It will initially have a storage capacity of 293 thousand barrels, whose growth, in the following stages, will be up to one million barrels.