More than two thousand children enjoyed Christmas celebrations in Talara

As part of its program of social responsibility Despertando Sonrisas, PETROPERu shared the joy of Christmas, with more than two thousand children from different parts of the city, who participated in the activities programmed by the state company.
The extensive holiday celebration began on Monday, December 17 at the Club PETROPERU, with a fun artistic show that was the delight of nearly 600 children from the sectors Enace, Sol de Oro, Las Dunas, Jabonillal, Bello Horizonte, Nuevo Horizonte, Raul Haya de la Torre and FONAVI.
In the same way, on Tuesday, December 18, 550 children from the Southern Cone, Lucy de Villanueva, Maruja Cabredo, Martha Chavez, Pilar Nores, Jorge Chávez and Negreiros had fun dancing, singing and playing, along with the classic Christmas characters.
On Wednesday, December 19, the third and final day was held at the Club PETROPERU coliseum, with the participation of 640 children from the North Cone. Minors from the sectors Las Peñitas, San Pedro, Jesús María, Barrio Estibadores and Alejandro Taboada enjoyed from beginning to end this colorful celebration.
More children benefited
PETROPERU also programmed an artistic show for the 150 children registered in the Municipal Office for Attention of People with Disabilities (OMAPED) Talara, who also enjoyed the magic of Christmas. This activity was held on Thursday, December 20, at the premises of the provincial commune and culminated with the presentation of presents to all the children.
The Christmas day, directed to the minors of scarce economic resources of the oil city, culminated this Friday, December 21, with the entertainment of more than one hundred children of Negreiros and Sacopsa.
In all the Christmas activities organized by the state oil company, the children had fun together with their parents and enjoyed the traditional panettone, a chocolate drink, sweets and a gift.