More than 980 works were submitted to the 2021 Copé award

The call for the XX Poetry Biennial and VIII Novel Biennial «2021 Copé Award», the most important and emblematic award to stimulate literary creation in the country, organized by Petróleos del Perú, came to an end with a great reception.
For the second consecutive year, due to the health measures to face the COVID-19 pandemic, participation was carried out virtually and exceeded expectations with a call for 774 poems and 209 novels.
The participants are Peruvian writers residing in Peru and abroad, as well as foreign nationals nationalized or resident in Peru, without distinction, except for the winners of the Copé Gold Award from previous biennials of poetry and novels.
The Ediciones Copé label will publish the winning novel and poetry books, as well as a selection of the finalist poems. The winners will receive the emblematic Copé trophy and the award described in the bases of this important literary contest.
The jury for each category will be made up of a representative of the following institutions: Peruvian Academy of Language, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Ministry of Culture and PETROPERÚ. The ruling will be final and will be announced from the third week of November 2021, through the contest website, PETROPERÚ's social networks, as well as notifying the winners themselves.
In this way, PETROPERÚ continues its commitment to promote literary creativity in Peru; and appreciates the participation of the writers in this year's edition; as well as the dedication year after year to be part of the contest, now from the virtual environment, from more places in the country and the world.
Know the list of participants here.
Copé Award
The Copé Award is a literary competition organized and promoted by PETROPERÚ since 1979. This year the Copé Award celebrates 42 years of constant promotion and dissemination of Peruvian literature inside and outside the country. In addition, this incessant work is one more expression of PETROPERÚ's corporate social responsibility as part of its commitment to the development of culture and education in Peru.