Minister Cayetana Aljovín inspected the progress in the construction of the New Talara Refinery

The Minister of Energy and Mines (MEM), Cayetana Aljovín, made an inspection visit to the construction works of the new Talara Refinery, which has recorded an advance of 64.89% to date. During his tour of the facilities, she verified the work that has been done for the construction of 16 process units and 17 general service and facilities systems.
The Head of the MEM was accompanied by the deputy minister of Energy, Angela Grossheim, with whom she could see more than one thousand state-of-the-art equipment units manufactured in Europe, North America and Asia for this new refining complex of PETROPERÚ have been installed in their bases,.
The modern units of this megaproject will allow the achievement of fuels with a maximum content of 50 parts per million of sulfur, contributing in this way to improve the air quality of the country. Likewise, it will allow to process 95 thousand barrels per day, compared to the current one that processes 65 thousand barrels per day.
According to the estimated figures, the construction of the process plants will require an approximate 28,840,000 man-hours, as well as 230,000 cubic meters of concrete, 53,000 tons of metal structures, 45,000 tons of process pipes and more than 3,000 kilometers of cables.
As part of this project, declared of national interest according to law 30130, the construction of 21 storage tanks has been considered, which have an advance over 95%. In addition, to ensure the supply of fuel that the new refinery will produce, the modification of 13 tanks that are part of the current refinery is being carried out.
Minister Cayetana Aljovín's tour culminated in the new and modern MU2 pier, which, since March 2016, has been used to receive vessels from which part of the materials and equipment required by the project has been unloaded and which, due to its weight or volume, cannot be transported by any means other than maritime; subsequently, it will operate as a liquid cargo dock, capable of covering the operations of the new Refinery.
The minister was accompanied by the president of the Board of PETROPERU, Luis Eduardo García Rosell; the general manager Esteban Bertarelli and the manager of Refining Talara, Jorge Almestar.
Hiring labor
At present, more than 6,000 people work between qualified and unskilled labor. 84% of personnel hired as unskilled labor is of local origin, surpassing the amount established in the Environmental Impact Study (EIA) of the PMRT that sets a minimum of 70%.