Maintenance of the second stage of the North Cone road records an 80% progress

PETROPERÚ continues with the execution of road maintenance of the second section of the departmental highway PI-100 EMP.PE-02 (DV. Talara)-DV. Negritos -Talara-DV. El Alto-El Ñuro-EMP.PE-1N (El Ñuro Bridge), EsSalud II Hospital section - Las Peñitas beach crossing, in the Northern Cone of the oil city.
The improvement of this communication route, which will conclude at the end of this month, registers an advance of 85%, having mainly cut the existing pavement; confirmation of the asphalt layer and primer for patching and priming work; asphalt coating and concrete pouring in slabs and curbs.
This project will allow adequate transit of the population by recovering 1,298.89 meters of road with an investment of S/. 1’541,342.28.
In the next few days, the works will be aimed at completing the work of priming and asphalt coating, construction of speed reducers, painting and horizontal signage on the road, as well as minor works of art.
It is important to specify that the maintenance work is carried out in line with Addendum No. 1 to the Inter-institutional Cooperation Agreement that PETROPERÚ signed, in May 2021, with the Regional Government of Piura and the Piura Regional Directorate of Transport and Communications, responsible for this departmental highway that will be part of the La Costanera I Project.
Likewise, there is the participation of local labor in the area, in coordination with the presidents of the neighborhood councils of the sector and in line with the Local Labor Contracting Program of the Talara Refinery Modernization Project (PMRT).