Learning to narrate and write thanks to PETROPERU

The Literary Workshop "Creative Approach of Narrative", conducted by PETROPERU with the support of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Piura, through the Academic Program of History and Cultural Management and in charge of the prominent Piura writer Cronwell Jara had great reception.
On the day, the renowned speaker spoke about the main characteristics of the stories, such as feeling, characters, drama and transcendence. He also unveiled the different narrative techniques, the degrees of dramatic tension and the art of finishing a story.
Likewise, exercises were prepared to write the stories created by the participants themselves, in order to put into practice what they learned, such as the articulation and construction of oral stories, skills that, according to Cronwell Jara, contribute significantly to self-realization, communication and to the development of new learning.
It should be noted that Jara Jiménez has mainly cultivated the story, although she has also written novels and poems, being the winner of the Cope de Oro Prize at the Fourth Story Biennial in 1985 with “La fuga de Agamenón Castro”.
This activity is framed in the PETROPERU Cultural Management Policy.