
Jinkay 2024 educational project ends

Students from educational institutions in the communities near the North Peruvian Pipeline participated in school reinforcement classes.
Jinkay 2024 educational project ends

The educational project "Jinkay", an initiative of PETROPERÚ that means "seed" in the Wampis language, successfully culminated its school reinforcement activities in the native communities of Fernando Rosas, Arutam, Nueva Musa Kandashi and Nazareth. These localities, located in the district of Morona, province of Datem del Marañón, Loreto region, adjoin the North Peruvian Pipeline (ONP).

During the 18 months of the project, more than 250 students participated, as well as more than 70 families from the four beneficiary communities, through the teaching of workshops and classes in mathematics, communication, citizenship and computer science. The courses, which were taught for four hours a day for five days a week, totaled around 3,000 hours of classes in total.

The project included more than 600 home visits for educational accompaniment, more than 240 social-emotional workshops to strengthen skills such as emotional self-regulation and empathy, as well as conflict resolution. In addition, more than 60 awareness-raising workshops were held for parents and authorities, with the aim of promoting greater involvement in the education of their children.

Likewise, the promotion of the capacities of the students, their family and their environment was emphasized. Therefore, more than 60 workshops were held to promote reading and more than 40 workshops on the importance of hydrocarbons in daily life, emphasizing their good use and proper handling.

Jinkay has also marked an important milestone in native communities, including the implementation of two community libraries with more than 500 books - donated mostly by the company's workers - as well as two computer rooms equipped with four laptops each with internet access. These resources will continue to contribute to reducing educational gaps.

The impact of this comprehensive effort has been remarkable, achieving a 234% improvement in student learning levels in the areas of communication, mathematics, computer science, and citizenship. Significant progress was also evidenced in her social skills and relationship with her families.

Jinkay relied on an innovative and student-centered pedagogical approach, promoting their empowerment for the future, while strengthening their identity through the use of the native language Wampis in all classes. With this project, PETROPERÚ reaffirms its commitment to education, complying with its social management policy for the benefit of the communities in its areas of influence. 
