Innovative projects will be carried out to strengthen artisanal fishing in Talara

Talara artisanal fishermen will benefit from the implementation of three innovative projects that will contribute to improving the safety of their tasks and the process of extracting marine resources; It will also allow them to generate new business units.
These projects will begin in November thanks to the strategic alliance between PETROPERU, the Artisanal Fishermen's Guild of Talara, the National Program of Innovation in Fisheries and Aquaculture (PNIPA) of the Ministry of Production, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego and Management Engineering and Technology Services (MET).
The first project to be implemented is aimed at sensitizing artisanal fishermen in the province of Talara about the need and importance of working partners and receiving commercial assistance to carry out ventures in the fishing sector. It contemplates the constitution of small businesses and advice to offer the services.
The second project seeks to improve the extraction process, with the adoption and application of knowledge of safe fishing. Through this project, risk factors for artisanal fisheries will be identified, analyzed and managed, and they will receive training and technical assistance on safety, health and implementation of protective equipment.
The third project is aimed at improving the processes of extraction and commercialization of marine resources through the application of innovations in cold systems. In this way, fishermen will be advised not to break the cold chain of products and obtain greater economic performance with this ancestral activity.
The three projects will be carried out simultaneously in a period of six months and will have a social investment of up to S/ 380,790.00, of which 20% will be covered by the state company, as a collaborating entity. 80% of the remaining budget will come from World Bank funds, through the PNIPA.
These initiatives are implemented within the framework of the PETROPERU Social Management Plan, which promotes capacity development in its stakeholders in order to optimize their productive activities for the benefit of a better quality of life.