I table tennis Interschool Tournament took place in Talara thanks to PETROPERU

PETROPERU and the Monica Liyau Association organized the First Interschool Table Tennis Tournament that brought together 150 schoolchildren from the eight educational institutions considered in the Impacta Vidas Program, which started in December 2018 and uses table tennis as a tool for the formation of values and integral development of childhood and adolescence.
To the opening ceremony, which took place at the I.E. No. 15511 San Martín de Porres, was attended by Beatriz Alva Hart, Corporate Manager Social Management and Communications of PETROPERU; Mónica Liyau, former Olympic athlete of this discipline and President of the Impacta Vidas Association; Emelda Peña, Physical Education specialist UGEL Talara; Olando Oviedo, Director of the I.E. San Martín de Porres, as well as parents and delegations of the schools that met from the early hours of the morning to encourage their representatives in a demanding sporting day that meant five hours of uninterrupted competition.
Students participated in three categories: Category A (eight to 10 years old), category B (11 to 12 years old) and category C (13 years old and older), both in men and women - as is done in the School Games -, and were awarded first, second and third place with mountain bikes, ping pong tables, and with a set of rackets and table tennis balls, respectively.
“This first interschool tournament with the schools that were identified for the Project is the result and the demonstration that investing in sports for children and adolescents does work,” said Alva Hart.
“I am very happy to be in Talara thanks to PETROPERU and I thank you for having opted for the Impacta Vidas Program which uses table tennis as a tool for change and transformation in Peruvian children and youth,” said Monica Liyau.
A high performance center in Talara
Along with the inauguration of the I Interschool Table Tennis Tournament, the Talara Talent Collection Center for Talara Tennis was delivered, which will be located at the I.E. San Martín de Porres and will have the equipment so that students with high potential to practice this sport receive training for high competition by instructors of the Impacta Vidas Association; and, of which, two will be chosen for a 15-day internship in the city of Miami, United States.
The Impactando Vidas program includes the provision of two concrete tables for each school, sports equipment for the practice of sport and the training of 60 teachers from the educational institutions Domingo Savio, San Martín de Porres, Ignacio Merino, La Inmaculada, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, Nuestra Señora de Lourdes, Alejandro Taboada and Federico Villarreal; to instruct their students from seven to fourteen years in the techniques of table tennis.