Heroes and heroines of Peru: new virtual exhibition of PETROPERÚ

PETROPERÚ will present tonight the virtual exhibition "HEROES AND HEROINES OF PERUVIAN IDENTITY - Stories to commemorate the Bicentennial", within the framework of the activities of the 200 years of independence of our country. The session will start at 7 pm via the Facebook live of the PETROPERÚ Cultural Center.
The exhibition is a tribute to all Peruvians who marked the history of our country and has a graphic tour of those compatriots who - at a certain moment in their lives - stood out for their decisions, contributions and performance in their fields of action.
During the day, there will be an hourly tour grouping the characters based on different areas of human development, also presenting biographical reviews and relevant information about the historical environment through which the chosen characters passed, appealing to illustration, animation and video.
There will be 50 illustrated portraits, by artists from various regions of the country, to generate a journey through the concepts of heroism and Peruvian identity. These heroes and heroines dreamed and fought for the life, ethics, knowledge and progress of our country, whose transcendence is an inspiration for many other citizens inside and outside of Peru.
In the virtual exhibition, which has been set up to bring the visitor closer as if they were in a classroom, there will be a museum guide that will promote interactivity. The opening ceremony will feature the participation of the curator, Augusto Carrasco, and the illustrators Grettel Montesinos and Alfredo Vitor Ayala.
The director of the Hay Festival Arequipa, Ángela Delgado; as well as the historian and professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP) María Elena Arce and Carlos Del Águila, general director of museums of the Ministry of Culture. Also, within these activities, the Heroic Illustration Workshop will take place tomorrow, Wednesday at 4 pm, with the participation of Grettel Montesinos and Omar La Hoz. All this as part of PETROPERÚ's continuous contribution to the research and dissemination of various artistic expressions in our country.