Fuel supply in Pucallpa is guaranteed
- PETROPERÚ clarifies doubts regarding supply to the area and guarantees that the market in Ucayali is maintained.

In the face of unfounded rumors of a probable shortage of fuels in the Ucayali region, PETROPERU -through its Commercial Manager- Eng. Gustavo Navarro Valdivia, clarified doubts and maintained that the State-owned oil company has renewed its commitment to have the Ucayali market fully supplied with fuel.
"There is the commitment by our Company to maintain coverage of this important market, since," as he said "not in vain we have 65% of the gasoline market in all of Peru and Ucayali cannot be the exception," he explained at the time of asserting that PETROPERU will remain in the market. "That's for sure," he clarified.
It was during a meeting convened by PETROPERU at the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce of Ucayali, with the participation of representatives of this institution, the Regional Directorate for Energy and Mines, Osinergmin and the Gas Station Association.
At the meeting, Navarro Valdivia not only highlighted the quality of PETROPERU's fuels, but also that the Company does everything possible to ensure that the diesel supply is not affected by external elements, such as the closure or blocking of roads. "The best example is that 22,000 barrels of diesel will arrive in the next hours, in two convoys, which ensures that the supply will continue normally, without any setback," he said.
On the other hand, the official was emphatic when guaranteeing that the price of fuels marketed by PETROPERU does not have an extra cost, as certain sectors claim. "The price of PETROPERU fuels, here in Pucallpa, does not go up a cent, whether we bring it from Iquitos or Conchan," he said.
In turn, the president of the Chamber of Commerce of Ucayali, Jose Luis Llontop, highlighted the measure taken that, he said, will contribute to the situation in Ucayali taking place with normality.
As a corollary, Elio Campos, head of the Osinergmin Regional Office, stated that the quality of PETROPERU products in the area complies with the most demanding standards, with the highest quality and with additional characteristics unique to the market.