Frost solidarity campaign arrives at the plateau
- Similar days took place in Pasco and Moquegua.

PETROPERÚ continues to support the high Andean areas affected by the low temperatures and this time it will reach communities and hamlets in the district of Huacullani, Chucuito province, Puno, where it will deliver hundreds of blankets as part of its solidarity campaign "Sheltering Hearts".
The delivery, which will be carried out in coordination with the National Institute of Civil Defense (INDECI), will be possible thanks to the contribution of PETROPERU workers and the Company itself.
On this occasion, the delivery will be made to representatives of the communities in the area, seeking to benefit dozens of families that endure the rigors of extreme weather, typical of this time of year and that at Huacullani -located at more than 3,900 meters above the sea level- descends to -19 degrees.
After this delivery ends the solidarity campaign undertaken by the state oil company, after making similar deliveries to towns of Pasco, Moquegua and the Lima district of Villa María del Triunfo.