Free cultural days thanks to PETROPERÚ

PETROPERÚ will hold, this Wednesday 20, at noon, through Facebook Live, the second date of the cycle "Diálogos Internacionales Copé", with the support of the Peruvian Foreign Ministry. On this occasion, the program is dedicated to the essay and the guest country, Argentina, with the participation of two speakers of the letters of that country: Daniel Mato and Américo Cristófalo, who will talk with the Peruvian historian and Copé Essay Award, David Quichua Chaico, author of “De Curaca a Congresista. Vigencia de una familia indígena en la política nacional” (“From Curaca to Congressman. Validity of an indigenous family in national politics”).
It should be noted that among the objectives of the " Diálogos Internacionales Copé " are to share Peruvian literature abroad, promote the reading and analysis of the authors awarded in the Copé Awards, bring readers abroad to the Virtual Library of PETROPERÚ and establish and propose dialogues on culture and creation with highly prestigious university institutions in Latin America.
The next day, Thursday 21, starting at 12:00 noon, PETROPERÚ -through its Cultural Center- will hold a discussion, addressed to the students of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, on the book “21. Relatos sobre mujeres que lucharon por la Independencia del Perú” (“21. Stories about women who fought for the Independence of Peru”), also through Facebook Live and the Zoom platform.
The conference will be attended by the professor in Spanish and Hispano-American Literature at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Agustín Prado Alvarado; the doctor in History and university professor, Claudia Rosas and José Donayre Hoefken, writer, literary critic, anthologist, editor and cultural promoter.
The exhibitors will offer an analysis of the book, which aims to initiate a reflection, from the field of creative writing and literary fiction, on the long and complex process of the so-called "Peruvian emancipation", but with the particular focus of making the contribution visible feminine in the libertarian deed.
Simultaneously, the dissemination of two current artistic exhibitions continues: The exhibition "Ojos de la Amazonía" and "Héroes y heroínas de la peruanidad", via the web.
It should be remembered that access to all the activities carried out by the state company is free and they are shared on the Facebook Live of the PETROPERÚ Cultural Center and on the website as part of its commitment to promoting the culture and education in the country.