Forty people from Talara certify experience and receive certifications in electromechanical painting

Forty electromechanical workers from the province of Talara certified their work experience in electromechanical painting and obtained the respective certification under the Steel Structures Painting Council (SSPC) and National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) standards.
For six months, the participants received free theoretical-practical training by specialists from the company Sistemas Técnicos Auxiliares S.A.C.-STIN in order to maximize their opportunities for employment in projects nationwide, as they have been doing in contractor companies. and subcontractors that participated in the execution of the Talara Refinery Modernization Project (PMRT).
It is important to mention that this continuous training initiative considers the specialties with the greatest labor demand in the country and is carried out in line with the commitments assumed by Petroperú in the Local Labor Recruitment Program of the Community Relations Plan of the Environmental Impact Study of the PMRT.
Investment in local talent
Petroperú bets on the talent of the Talara worker. To date, more than 11 million soles have been invested, benefiting 1,969 local workers, 95% of whom have been able to re-enter the workforce or pursue a career path in their current organizations or companies.
The training specialties, certification of experience and homologation that have been provided free of charge have been: Instrumentation and Process Control System; Electricity and Industrial Piping; Welding in Manual GTAW and SMAW Process; Welder Qualification.