Fernando Rosas Native Community maintains dialogue with State representatives

PETROPERÚ addresses public opinion to report the following:
- As part of the dialogue process, the authorities and residents of the Fernando Rosas Native Community of the Morona district, Loreto region, met on March 18 and 19 with the representatives of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Ministry of Energy and Mines, Ministry of Culture, Ombudsman's Office and other authorities, thanks to the articulation and logistics management of PETROPERÚ.
- As a result of said meeting, which was held virtually, various agreements were reached between the Fernando Rosas community and the State, consolidating the release of the Morona Station of the North Peruvian Pipeline last March.
- PETROPERÚ welcomes having reached these agreements in a peaceful manner, establishing remote communication channels to overcome the difficulties generated by the pandemic and travel the route of dialogue with a view to community development.
- The dialogue process will continue on April 20, 2021, through a second virtual meeting with the authorities of the Fernando Rosas Native Community and the different sectors of the State, with the technological and logistical support of PETROPERÚ, which also participates as an observer in the process.