Extraordinary economic measures are approved to guarantee fuel supply in the country

PETROPERÚ addresses the public opinion to inform the following:
- Through D.U. No. 010-2022, published in the El Peruano newspaper, extraordinary measures were approved in economic and financial matters aimed at mitigating the adverse effects on the economy caused by a possible fuel shortage at the national level. The emergency decree will be valid until 12.31.2022.
- In this sense, the aforementioned rule approves providing temporary financial support for US$ 750 million and the issuance of cancellation documents for up to 500 million soles per month, in favor of PETROPERÚ, as it is an important actor in the fuel supply chain at the national level. national.
- The extraordinary measures will allow the assurance of the commercialization of hydrocarbons at the national level and maintain the continuity of the payment chain, necessary to overcome the problems generated by the previous Administration of PETROPERÚ, among them:
- Downgrade of the international credit rating associated with the uncertainty regarding the possibility of providing audited financial information for 2021 before 05.30.2022, due to discrepancies caused with the auditing firm, which did not allow the signing of the contract in a timely manner.
- Temporary mismatch between income and short-term obligations of the Company, due to changes made in the supplier payment policy.