Execution of the PMRT surveillance plan will be carried out in a strict and disciplined manner

As part of the actions prior to the gradual and progressive resumption of construction activities for the Talara Refinery Modernization Project (PMRT), the General Manager of PETROPERU, Carlos Barrientos Gonzales, met with the representatives of all the contractors and subcontractors participating in the execution of this important project.
"Compliance with protocols has to be very strict and disciplined," said Barrientos Gonzales, referring to the importance of rigorous execution of the PMRT surveillance, prevention and control plans, which have been registered in the Integrated System for COVID-19 (SISCOVID-19) of the Ministry of Health, according to the provisions of the Executive for the resumption of economic activities in the country.
In his participation, he stressed the importance of prioritizing the health care of all workers, especially in current conditions, marked by the pandemic. In this sense, he pointed out the importance of surveillance and control so that all the workers who will gradually rejoin the operations comply with the protocols inside and outside the work area, in order to avoid the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus.
Barrientos Gonzales reiterated to the representatives of the contractors and subcontractors the importance of maintaining the prioritization of the local workforce in the hiring of personnel and the timely fulfillment of the commitments and obligations with the workers and suppliers, in this final stage of the PMRT.
For his part, the Talara Refinery Project Manager, Jorge Alméstar Mauricio, reported on the surveillance plan that has been implemented for the restart of construction work, which contemplates that all the personnel who will work on site go through a
COVID-19 discard test and the completion of an affidavit of symptoms that will serve as the basis for permanent medical surveillance, which must be updated by the worker every 14 days.
As part of the measures that are being implemented, there is the cleaning and disinfection of the work areas, in which the capacity has been reduced to ensure social distancing and hand washing stations have been implemented to clean the staff, the same that must permanently wear a mask and protective glasses and others that must be determined by the health personnel of your employer.
He noted that permanent medical surveillance on site will identify suspected cases to act immediately and, if a positive case arises, it will be evaluated by medical personnel, applying the health protocols established in Ministerial Resolution No. 239-2020 of MINSA.
The construction activities of the PMRT were suspended on March 16, when the State of National Emergency was established throughout the country, keeping only the necessary tasks, linked to the industrial safety of its facilities and equipment, which are continuing. The PMRT has an integral progress of 89.47%, entering its last stage of its construction process.
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