Environmental sustainability in the hydrocarbon sector will be discussed in a conference held by PETROPERÚ

PETROPERÚ, within the framework of its cycle of technical conferences called Energy Talks, which seeks to publicize the plans and projects that it currently has underway, will carry out its second day this Wednesday, June 9, with the theme "Management of biodiversity and sustainability in the hydrocarbons subsector”.
The Head of Environmental Transportation and Distribution of the state company, Juan del Carmen Gallarday and Francisco Dallmeier, PhD Director of the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, from the USA, will be on this opportunity the speakers, starting at 7:00 pm, through PETROPERÚ's Facebook Live.
This second conference is part of the activities developed for World Environment Day, a date created to sensitize the world population about the importance of caring for the planet and carrying out specific activities seeking to mitigate, as far as possible, pollution and damage. that have already been generated.
It should be noted that this cycle of conferences includes presentations on relevant topics in the management of PETROPERÚ and its main ongoing projects, by its officials and experts from the energy and hydrocarbons sector, who participate as guests.
Each discussion, as happened on the opening day, on May 14, will last one hour and will continue, once a month, until next November. As it will be recalled, the first day was led by Janinne Delgado Silva, Manager of Hydrocarbons of the National Society of Mining, Oil and Energy (SNMPE) and President of Women in Energy (WIN); as well as Janet Zehnder Schuler, Manager of the Conchán Refining Department of PETROPERÚ.