
Energy and Mines commission verifies progress in works in the New Talara Refinery

Energy and Mines commission verifies progress in works in the New Talara Refinery
  • They agreed to indicate that works are going well.
  • Participants the workshops will be performed to receive suggestions from Talara locals.
  • The expansion of the Desalinization Plant was also announced, to supply the population with water.
The members of the Energy and Mines Commission of the Congress of the Republic verified on-site the progress of the workds of the New Talara Refinery, and received detailed information on the investment being made on its infrastructure. They were accompanied by the President of the board of PETROPERU, Luis Eduardo García Rosell.

The president of said work group, Armando Villanueva Mercado (Acción Popular), was present, accompanied by its titled members, Manuel Dammert Ego Aguirre (Frente Amplio); Freddy Sarmiento Betancourt (Fuerza Popular) and Sergio Dávila Vizcarra (Peruanos por el Kambio).

It was this last one who remarked the importance of the work -which already shows a progress in its construction of over 50%- because, as he said, it will allow the reduction of the sulfur content in GLP, as well as in gasoline and diesel. “With that, we will have cleaner air for all Peruvians, which on the long term will significantly reduce the public expenditure in public health at a national level”, he indicated.

For the Congressman, when the works in the new Talara Refinery are finished, the city will experience a growth which -he said- can already be seen in plain sight. “There are new hotels and many more restaurants. It is evident that this works have brought a change to the area”, he indicated.


On a different note, Dávila Vizcarra confirmed that he agrees with the President of PETROPERU on the need to carry out in the following weeks a participative workshop where all the suggestions and necessities of the areas will be received. “Without a doubt, the lack of work amongst the Talara locals is an item to take into account, and for that reason this topic will be a priority”, indicated.

Also, he mentioned that this will not be the first time that the members of the energy and mines commission will meet in Talara. “We will continue following up on the works of the new refinery and will continue listening to the population to try to, as much as possible, find a solution for their demands”, where his final remarks.


In turn, the President of PETROPERU, Luis Eduardo García Rosell, commented that in view of the serious lack of water supply between the population of Talara, and having being made aware that this province is receiving water not fit for human consumption, measures will be taken to expand the desalinization plant in the refinery from 2000 m³ of the liquid per day to 20,000 m³ in order to supply the population. “We are evaluating an expansion in the processing capacity of our water plant in the auxiliary units so that this may allow us to supply water, I don’t know if to all the population or to part of it. I don’t want to go into detail because I want to do it with the full responsibility and seriousness of the case, but it is something that we are considering, in the framework of our social responsibility program”, he said.