Emblematics Talara Refinery was out of service to continue with the last stage of the PMRT

Within the framework of the implementation of new safety measures, in its mining operations, PETROPERÚ has launched an innovative security system in the tank trucks that operate for the Volcan Group, a zinc, lead and silver production company - worldwide - and with which the state oil company has signed supply and service provision contracts, ensuring the correct and safe supply of fuel for the operations of its two social reasons: Compañía Minera Volcan and Compañía Minera Chungar.
In that sense, PETROPERÚ has equipped vehicle units with a new and revolutionary safety standard for fuel distribution tanks, as a security reinforcement in fuel supply activities exceeding current standards.
Thus, the ANSUL type Fire Protection system has been launched, which is present in all hot sources that could generate a fire hazard in the vehicle, internal combustion engine, exhaust pipe, powertrain and dispatch area. Likewise, modern control panels and LED panels have been installed inside each tank, the system will act immediately in the event of a fire hazard.
It should be noted that the state oil company has a 48% participation in the fuel market in mining operations, being the leaders in sales of liquid fuels at the national level and PETROPERU becomes the first company to obtain this safety standard, at the national level . PETROPERU guarantees the supply of fuel to mining operations, to the point that its customers have had this service even in critical periods caused by external factors, thanks to the support of their alternative plants nationwide.
PETROPERU guarantees the supply of fuel to mining operations, to the point that its customers have had this service even in critical periods caused by external factors, thanks to the support of their alternative plants nationwide.
“"Talara Refinery has given everything for the company and it is time to close its cycle and start a new one. We are preparing to start a new stage, aware of the changes we must make to survive and strengthen PETROPERÚ," Barrientos Gonzales said, after thanking to the team that works in the refiner8, a symbol of pride for PETROPERU and for the city of the same name.
During this period, we will proceed to the rehabilitation and interconnections phase that will give way to the new Talara Refinery, which to date has an advance of more than 85% in its construction and as planned it should start operations at the end of the first 2021 quarter.
For his part Jorge Alméstar, Manager Talara Refinery, stressed that this milestone means a transition to modernity that will allow to be at the level of complex refineries in the world.
It should be noted that, until the start of operations of the new Talara Refinery, PETROPERU will continue to supply the country with fuels through the importation of products, covering national demand.
A New Refinery for the Country
The Talara Refinery Modernization Project (PMRT) is an engineering and construction project that will allow one of the most modern refineries on the South Pacific coast, which will be able to process 95 thousand barrels per day.
The new Talara Refinery will produce clean fuels with Euro VI technology. The diesel, gasoline and LPG it produces will have a maximum of 10 parts per million of sulfur.
Its process plants will allow the processing of heavy crudes, as well as the deep conversion of residuals to higher value products (diesel, gasoline and LPG) and high-octane gasoline thanks to its flexicocking and catalytic reforming units licensed by Exxon Mobil and Axes, respectively.
This important megaproject includes the installation of 16 new state-of-the-art process units, as well as service systems and general facilities.