Discover the recent titles by Ediciones Copé

PETROPERU is synonymous with culture in our country and has its own editorial line: Copé Ediciones. The latest published titles are:

The third edition, revised and in popular version, of the book La Gran Ruta Inca - El Capaq Ñan-, where its author, Ricardo Espinoza, narrates the journey he made on foot, for about four thousand kilometers, between the cities of Quito, Ecuador, and La Paz, Bolivia, recording the great longitudinal road of the sierra and seven horizontal pre-Hispanic roads.
“Amazonas Ruta Milenaria…Un lugar llamado Amazonía”, is another of the works published by PETROPERU, for which Aldo Bolaños Baldassari is the compiler of this third volume, which shows multidisciplinary research works identifying the visions of the Amazon as a territory of cultural unity.
The winning books of the 2017 Copé Award, such as “El laberinto de los endriagos”, by Hugo Yuen; “La noche y su sombra”, by Ernesto Zumaránand “Bajo la mancha azul del cielo”, by Alejandro Susti, as well as the poem collection “Colección privada o los colores ocultos de la turbación”, by Marco Antonio Quijano, among many others.

Under this seal, dozens of books have been published in the most diverse genres, such as short stories, poetry, essays and novels. Also, research on César Vallejo, Luis E. Valcárcel, Abraham Valdelomar and essays on literature, history, tourism and anthropology.
These and other works are available to those interested at the PETROPERU Main Office in Lima (Avenida Enrique Canaval Moreyra 150, San Isidro), Monday through Friday from 8 to 11 am. and from 2 to 4:30 pm. There are about 40 titles for sale, including novels, essays, short stories, poems and anthologies. Copé Ediciones publications are sold at cost, with the purpose of promoting and facilitating the literary and cultural promotion in our country.
Residents in the provinces or abroad can send their order via email to The price is the cost of the book plus shipping.
The publication of the winning works of the 2018 Copé Award is expected in the next months.