Copé winning works were presented at UNFV

This morning, amidst great expectations, in the Hall of Degrees of the National University Federico Villarreal, the winning works of the Copé Prize 2017, the most important literary prizes of the country and that in this opportunity had the presence of the outstanding poet and literary critic Ricardo Gonzalez Vigil, who presented the novel "Laberinto de los Endriagos" by Hugo Yuen Cardenas.
This day is of great importance, given that this higher education center becomes the first university -in the present year- where these works are presented, which include the winning poems and anthology: "Colección privada o los colores ocultos de la turbación"; "La noche y su sombra"; "Bajo la mancha azul del cielo", as well as an anthology of poems of the honorable mentions and finalists of the XVIII Biennial of Poetry and VI Biennial of Novel Copé Prize 2017.
At the meeting were present, in addition to Gonzalez Vigil, Dr. Martha Chavez Lazarte, dean of the Faculty of Humanities of the university, who stressed that PETROPERU continues to bet on literature, especially among young people, because "they are the seedbed of future awards in the letters ".
"I am grateful for the contribution of the state oil company, because it encourages literary activity in the country, which allows - the new writers - participate in the present, know the past and build the future," he said.
In turn, Ricardo Gonzalez Vigil applauded the interest shown by the State Company, which demonstrates in this way its permanent commitment and invaluable support with culture and the arts in all its manifestations. Sintya Vilca, head of the Cultural Management Unit of PETROPERU, thanked for her part the remarkable attendance and said that the Copé Prize is and has been an important platform for the dissemination and recognition of the work of Peruvian authors, highlighting that the last winners are from Province.
At the end of the ceremony, dozens of students received free copies of the winning works.