
Contractors from Saramuro and Saramurillo are trained by PETROPERU

Contractors from Saramuro and Saramurillo are trained by PETROPERU

Fulfilling the commitments assumed with the communities close to its operations, PETROPERU offered a Training Workshop to local contractors located in the populated centers of Saramuro and Saramurillo, neighbors of Station 1 of the North Peruvian Pipeline - ONP.

The activity was carried out at the facilities of the aforementioned station, where attendees were able to learn about the contracting processes, internal regulations and registration, in PETROPERU's Qualified Suppliers Database (BDPC).

Jaime Amaya, head of Station 1, revealed details about the work that should be carried out in said operations center, from July to December 2019, detailing the amount of unskilled labor that will be required and the specialties in terms of hand of qualified work.

In turn, the Selva Refinery Purchasing and Contracting Coordinator, Christhoper Freitas, spoke about the regulatory framework and approach of the PETROPERU Purchasing and Contracting Regulations. He also explained the modalities of procurement and contracting (by competition, selective, abbreviated, etc.).

Registration to the database of qualified suppliers (BDPC) (BDPC)

Local contractors also received good news: community companies and the EIRL will not pay the registration to the BDPC. The trainers stressed the importance of meeting these requirements so that the local contractors of the ONP Station 1 have greater opportunities to participate in these processes and provide the requested services.

The workshop allowed the representatives of the local contractors of Station 1 of the ONP to answer their doubts about the services offered and the requirements they must meet to contract with PETROPERU.
