Continuity of operation of lots VI and I of Talara is guaranteed under the administration of Petroperú

At zero hours today, a delegation of workers of Petroperú received the facilities and infrastructure of Lot VI, located in the districts of Lobitos and Pariñas, province of Talara, from Perupetro officials; maintaining at all times the continuity of oil and gas production, in the same way as in Lot I, where the Company has been operating since December 2021.
After the transfer ceremony, officials from both companies toured the facilities of this oil field, which has an estimated production of 2,000 barrels of oil per day and 4 million cubic feet of gas per day. While in Lot I, with a production of up to 516 barrels of oil per day and 3.4 million cubic feet of natural gas, operations continued without interruption.
As can be recalled, on October 21, Petroperú and Perupetro signed hydrocarbon exploitation license contracts for up to two years in lots I and VI of Talara, which ensures the continuity of said operations in the northwest of the country.
During the contract period, Petroperú will carry out 10 refurbishments in Lot VI and 6 refurbishments in Lot I. Simultaneously, the maintenance of all facilities and assets will continue, as well as compliance with the terms and conditions of the exploitation license contract. of hydrocarbons.
These lots are interconnected to the Talara Refinery and are ongoing businesses; their maintenance and optimization are financed from the income generated by the operation. This way, Petroperú takes a new step towards the vertical integration of the company.