Construction at the New Talara Refinery has a progress of 34%

The implementation of the Talara Refinery Modernisation Project (TRMP) reports a progress of 34.70% of the work done, a percentage barely over the required for this period. The loading dock MU2 is ready to receive, this coming April, materials and equipments that will be implemented in the modern process units of the New Talara Refinery.
As a fulfilment of what was stablished by the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), so far 2,867 people work in the TRMP, in which 96% are non qualified workers and 33% are qualified workers from Talara, overcoming extensively what was stablished.
According to a 2016 evaluation, the highest number of workers hired for the TRMP will be in September, with an average of 4,500 people, between qualified workers in its highest rate and non qualified workers as a support.
In the following months, there will be an increase of work especially on metalworking. Contracting companies of the TRMP will require qualified workers with experience on metal estructures, pipes assemblage, soldering, scaffolding, etc. Civil construction is still required but with less workers.
By 2017, the curve of the demand of workers will continue increasing. It is estimated that the month of August will have the highest demand of workers, approximately 6,500 people, between qualified and non qualified workers.
PETROPERU, continues informing the public on the progress of the fulfilment of the programs established by the EIA of the TRMP. They publish a monthly list of Talara workers hired by the contractors or subcontractors whom had given the permission on the dissemination of the worker’s personal information according to Law 29733 Law of Personal Data Protection.
As for the Local Committee of the Community Management Plan of the EIA keeps working permanently to guarantee the fulfilment of the established percentages required by the EIA for the hiring of workers. The Local Committee is managed by the Province Mayor and consists with representatives of the organised civil society.