Conchán Refinery trains hundreds of transporters

Continuing with its risk prevention work and compliance with safety measures in its operations, the PETROPERU Conchan Refinery Sales Plant has trained 616 tanker truck transporters on safe practices that must be applied when fueling.
So far this year, 88 induction talks have been given for drivers who arrive for the first time at the sales floor. These trainings are intended to sensitize carriers to fully comply with all the safety measures they must have when loading the various products on the dispatch islands, always with the support of qualified personnel.
Thus, it has been possible to have properly prepared drivers in PETROPERU facilities, which are increasingly aware and careful of their own safety and that of the plant staff.
They receive complete training to familiarize themselves with the entire operational circuit of the dispatch process both in the area of supply of gasoline and diesel, as well as in the distribution part of asphalt and other residuals. They are also informed about evacuation routes and how the plant's fire system works.
Carriers also learn the administrative procedures they have to perform to request your order, as well as the correct use of their personal protection equipment (PPE), carry their documents in order - such as a driver's license and work insurance - and keep them in good working order. Your vehicle has been approved for rigor checks before entering the premises.
With these permanent trainings, PETROPERU reinforces its commitment to reduce the risk to the maximum to achieve the goal of zero accidents in all its facilities.
It should be noted that the Conchán Sales Plant serves an average of 260 tank trucks per day. Likewise, with the next implementation of the office automation system, a more dynamic self-service of fuel loading will be achieved for the benefit of our customers.