
Conchan Refinery Environmental Monitoring Committee presented results

Working group is made up of neighbors from Villa El Salvador and Lurín to the Conchán Refinery of PETROPERÚ.
Conchan Refinery Environmental Monitoring Committee presented results

After a year of work, the Participatory Socio-Environmental Monitoring Committee of the Conchán Refinery, made up of representatives from eight human settlements in Villa El Salvador and Lurín, successfully completed its surveillance and promotion activities.

The committee, which works voluntarily, was created three years ago at the initiative of PETROPERU to keep the population informed in a transparent and timely manner about the environmental management carried out in the refinery. Members are periodically trained in solid waste management, air and soil quality monitoring, among other topics.

During this year it has had an outstanding performance, mainly in the work of accompanying the monitors of air quality and emission of gases from the refinery. As well as in the identification, registration and reporting of critical points of garbage in your community.

They also participated in the cleaning of the San Antonio de Lurín beach and in the lecture of environmental education at the Max Uhle school, which included the production of composting, segregation of solid waste, conservation of the marine ecosystem, reduction of the use of plastic and elaboration of plastic leather with recycled bags.

For next year, the committee plans to increase the number of members to achieve greater reach in the community, always with the support of PETROPERU whose purpose is to strengthen the relationship of trust with the population close to its operations, demonstrating openness to dialogue and Transparency in environmental issues.
