Communication 18- 2018

As a response to journalistic versions about alleged problems of contamination and harm to the health, reported by some neighbors of the properties located in Calle 400, adjoining the Refinery Talara, we inform that:
- PETROPERU has strictly complied with the environmental regulation and controls established by the corresponding inspection entities, carrying out its activities under the most strict environmental standards in the industry; carrying out the inspections and executing the prevention protocols that are required in order to avoid any type of affectation linked to the activities carried out in the Talara Refinery.
- In line with the above, PETROPERU has a Risk Study for the PMRT and a mitigation plan that has been successfully applied to benefit the security and tranquility of its neighbors. Within this framework, the Company is constructing a new location for the Villarreal school in another area and has shown interest in acquiring the properties on Calle 400 for security reasons given the proximity to its industrial facilities.
- PETROPERU has permanently expressed its will to solve the concerns and claims of the owners and owners of these properties in order to reach an agreement to acquire them, having held various meetings for this purpose; process that had been postponed due to situations outside the Company.
- In this regard, PETROPERU is evaluating information on the basis of new assessments that will allow a reasonable and appropriate proposal to be made to the interests of both parties, for which meetings with the residents of Calle 400 properties will be promoted as soon as possible.
- It is also important to highlight that there is no proven relationship between the activities of the Talara Refinery and the health problems manifested by the residents of Calle 400; even less, with the causes that would have caused two unfortunate deaths.
- Notwithstanding the aforementioned, the Company has scheduled visits from its social workers to assess the conditions of residents who have declared damage to their health.
- PETROPERU S.A. reiterates the spirit and will of permanent dialogue to resolve the issue of the purchase of the properties of Calle 400, as well as reaffirms its permanent concern for the safety, environment and welfare of its neighbors in Talara.