Communal Socio-environmental Monitoring Committee of the PMRT will announce results

This May 27, the Community Socio-Environmental Monitoring Committee (CCMSA) of PETROPERÚ's Talara Refinery Modernization Project (PMRT) will share with the community of Talara the results of the socio-environmental monitoring corresponding to the first quarter of the current year, carried out online at what is established in the Community Relations Plan (PRC) of the Environmental Impact Study (EIA) of the Talara Refinery Modernization Project (PMRT).
The results to be disseminated correspond to the environmental noise, air quality, water quality, hydrobiological and biological monitoring in which the CCMSA has participated since its return to face-to-face activities last March.
To participate in the dissemination of the results, the population can register at the following link: or through the channels of the Office of Information and Citizen Participation of the PMRT such as the Facebook page OIPC Informa or its website,
It is important to mention that the CCMSA carries out the work of accompanying, verifying, monitoring and socializing the environmental monitoring actions and the results obtained in the field work. Its members have been trained to understand the indicators of the evaluation of the environmental components, which will allow them to make a correct interpretation of the results of the actions of each monitoring.
Seven years of creation
Created on May 19, 2015, the CCMSA made up of representatives of the different interest groups of the PMRT fulfilled seven years of commitment to environmental care in the city of Talara; participating voluntarily and committed in the execution of environmental monitoring, in the collection of environmental aspects of concern to the population and in the socialization of the results of environmental monitoring in line with the commitments of the Community Relations Plan (PRC) of the Environmental Impact Studies (EIA) of the PMRT.