Colleges participated in the III Carols Competition of the province of Talara

"The hope of being better 2018" was the name of the III Carols Contest organized by the Provincial Municipality of Talara and the Unit of Local Educational Management - UGEL, which this year, brought together the participation of nine schools and counted, for the second consecutive year , with the sponsorship of PETROPERÚ.
This contest, which has become a Christmas tradition in the province, led participating schools to demonstrate the talent of their student choir in front of more than 500 spectators, in the grand finale held last Friday, December 14 at Plaza Grau of the oil city.
The I.E. 15511 San Martín de Porres, 15509 Nuestra Señora de Lourdes, Los Portales del Saber, San Sebastián, Politécnico Alejandro Taboada, 15512 Andrés Avelino Cáceres and 15508 Domingo Savio; took the stage to demonstrate the interpretive quality, rhythm, harmony and scenic development of their choir of students before the qualifying jury that was pleasantly surprised by the quality of artistic preparation.
After a beautiful musical concert that invited attendees to celebrate Christmas, PETROPERÚ awarded the I.E.P. Los Portales del Saber de Talara Alta and I.E. 15508 Domingo Savio, winners of the first position in the primary and secondary level categories, respectively, delivering an amplifier and a wireless microphone system.
On the other hand, the second places, occupied by the I.E.15509 Nuestra Señora de Lourdes and I.E. Politécnico Alejandro Taboada, respectively, each received, as recognition, three systems of wireless microphones with console. These awards were presented by the engineer Raquel Vilela Mondragón, Social Coordinator of PETROPERU; Mr. Carlos Ramos Silva, Manager of Human and Economic Development; and Mrs. Ofelia Palomino Valladares, Deputy Manager of Cultural Development and Youth, both representing the Provincial Municipality of Talara.
These gifts will be of great value for educational institutions as they will serve to complement the work of comprehensive education of students, through the artistic workshops they undertake.
Christmas at Plaza Grau
PETROPERU, joining the end of the year celebrations of the province of Talara, will continue to carry out Christmas activations through the Christmas characters, every night from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., in the upper part of the Multiple Purpose Room of the Plaza Grau; where it has installed a Christmas tree and other Christmas decorations so that the families of the city can enjoy these holidays.