College students visited facilities of the Selva Refinery

More than a hundred students of the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering of the academic program of Environmental Engineering of the Scientific University of Peru (UCP) and the University of Engineering and Technology (UTEC), visited the Iquitos Refinery, interested in getting to know the technologies of our company for the production of drinking water, wastewater treatment and operational processes for a sustainable and friendly operation with the environment.
The students acquired a real knowledge of the tasks, receiving presentations and touring the facilities of the Refinery, identifying the company's socio-environmental commitment, the safety and quality standards, allowing them to have a broader view of the importance of PETROPERU in the development of the region.
With these visits, which are constant in the Company, it becomes possible to get to know the refining and distribution processes that, due to the very geography and climate of the Amazon, become complex, highlighting the work of those who comply with supplying fuels to the cities from Iquitos, Yurimaguas, Tarapoto, Pucallpa and even the border area.
The Iquitos Refinery has a storage capacity of 553,200 barrels per day. It has a Primary Distillation Unit, a Gasoline Treatment Unit and the Turbo A1 Treatment Unit. Likewise, it has pontoon-type docks to unload crudes, cracked naphtha and biodiesel, as well as to load liquid bulk fuels that are commercialized in the Amazon; in addition to a pipeline to transfer fuels from the refinery to the Iquitos Sales Plant.