College students get to know more about the PMRT

The presentation on the development and progress of the Talara Refinery Modernization Project (PMRT), by Eng. Luis Eduardo Vertiz Díaz, Head of the Planning and Control Unit of the Jefe Unidad Planificación y Control de la Jefatura Gestión – Subgerencia Gestión PMRT Huge expectation and interest among the students of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering of the National University of San Marcos,
The day was held in the auditorium of this faculty, within the framework of the "VI Feria Laboral INDUTEXSEG 2018" (VI INDUTEXSEG 2018 Work Fair), organized by the center of studies mentioned above and seeks to share and communicate information on the different development processes of business sectors linked to Engineering.
Eng. Vertiz said that the PMRT has as its main objectives to reduce the sulfur content to diesel, gasoline and LPG fuels and increase the profitability and competitiveness of the Talara Refinery, increasing the crude processing capacity from 65,000 to 95,000 barrels per day (BPD), processing heavy crudes and converting residual products from the processing units to marketable products.
"The scope of the project also includes the so-called Auxiliary Units, which include the hydrogen and nitrogen production plants, the sulfuric acid production and storage plants, the seawater collection, desalination and treatment plants as well as the distribution and water treatment and evacuation, among others," he said.
"The refinery is built under the highest standards in the region, such as the Euro VI, which will produce much cleaner fuels with a maximum content of 10 parts per million of sulfur, which ensures the preservation of air quality and the health of all Peruvians", concluded the representative of PETROPERU.
At the end of the presentation, Eng. Luis Vértiz received a recognition plaque for his participation in providing knowledge to the students of the UNMSM.