CCMSA communicates PMRT environmental monitoring results

The Community Committee for Socio-Environmental Monitoring (CCMSA) presented to the community the results of the several environmental monitoring carried out between January and June of this year, in line with the provisions of the Community Relations Plan (PRC) of the Environmental Impact Study (EIA) of the Talara Refinery Modernization Project (PMRT).
In the activities of socialization of results, the representatives of the interest groups of the project participated and were carried out in the Office of Information and Citizen Participation (ICPO), as well as in representative locations of the North Cone and Southern Cone.
The results communicated by the CCMSA correspond to the monitoring of environmental noise, air quality, water quality, hydrobiological and biological, which are below the environmental quality standards established in current legal regulations. It should be noted that the CCMSA carries out the work of accompaniment, verification, monitoring and socialization of the environmental monitoring actions and the results obtained in the field work.
At the end of each socialization meeting, the doubts, queries and questions of the attendees were answered and clarified by the CCMSA members. Currently, its members have been trained in environmental and social matters with the aim of continuing to incorporate knowledge on the indicators of the evaluation of environmental components.