CCMSA communicated results of environmental monitorings in Talara

Following what was established in the Environmental Impact Study (EIS) of the Talara Refinery Modernization Project (PMRT), the Community Committee for Socio-Environmental Monitoring (CCMSA) announced to the Talara community the results of the environmental monitoring carried out during the period from January to September of this year.
In the socialization meetings, in which different representatives of the project stakeholders participated, it was reported that the results of the monitoring of environmental noise, air quality, water quality, hydrobiological and biological, are within the environmental quality standards (EQS) in force.
According to the commitments established in the EIS, air quality and hydrobiological monitoring are carried out on a quarterly basis; monitoring of environmental noise every two weeks; while the monitoring of water quality and biological, are carried out monthly.
It is important to note that CCMSA members are constantly trained in environmental and social matters, with the purpose of acquiring knowledge about the indicators of the evaluation of environmental components, which will allow them to make a correct interpretation of the results obtained in each monitoring.
The work of the CCMSA members is focused on the accompaniment, verification and socialization of environmental monitoring activities, and the results obtained. His work is carried out in line with PETROPERU's commitment to maintain and protect the environment in its areas of influence.