Carlos Linares is appointed as president of the Petroperú Board of Directors

The General Meeting of Shareholders (JGA) of Petroperú appointed the economist Carlos Adrián Linares Peñaloza as the new president of the Board of Directors of the state oil company, effective Friday, March 1, 2024.
Linares Peñaloza has a degree in Economics from the Universidad del Pacífico and a master's degree in Management from the J.L. Kellogg from Northwestern University, United States, with extensive experience in the public and private sectors.
Throughout his professional career, he has served as president of the Board of Directors of Banco de Comercio (Bancom) and Corporación Financiera de Desarrollo (Cofide). He has held the position of Corporate Finance Manager at Petroperú, has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Banco de la Nación and general director of Debt and Public Treasury of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
He is a member of the Pro Mining and Energy Committee of the Private Investment Promotion Agency (ProInversión) and has chaired the Board of Directors of the Latin American Association of Development Financial Institutions (Alide), being also a member of the Board of Directors of CAF - B anco de Desarrollo de América Latina y El Caribe.
In the same session, the JGA appointed Carlos Augusto Villalobos Dulanto as director, complementing the company's new Board of Directors, made up of directors David Alfredo Tuesta Cárdenas, Germán Alfredo Boza Pro and Oliver Thomás Alexander Stark Preuss, appointed the day before.
Representing the workers, Antonio Leonardo Manosalva Alarcón remains as director.