Call for the Copé Award ends on august 10
- Writers in the country can leave their jobs in PETROPERU offices nationwide.

Two weeks after the closing of the call, PETROPERÚ reminds those interested that they can participate in the XX Biennial of Short Story and VI Bienal de Ensayo "Premio Copé 2018". The works are received at the main offices of Av. Enrique Canaval and Moreyra 150, San Isidro, as well as in all its operations and plants of sale in the country, until Friday 10 August.
Those interested can find all the information about the contest on the web
As every year, the Qualifying Jury of the Copé 2018 Prize will be made up of a representative of the following institutions: Ministry of Culture, Peruvian Academy of Language, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, National University of San Marcos and PETROPERÚ.
Since its launch in 1979, the Copé Prize reflects the corporate responsibility of PETROPERU and its commitment to the promotion of literary creation in the country, being - without doubt - the most recognized nationwide, both for the promotion of new writers and for the quality that the winning works reach.
During these 39 years, great representatives of Peruvian literature have participated, such as Leopoldo Chariarse, Jorge Eslava, Pablo Guevara, Washington Delgado, Miguel Ildefonso, Cronwell Jara, Armando Robles Godoy and Iván Thays, among others.
But that is not all; The oil company is also present in the facilities of the International Book Fair of Lima. In his stand you can see, among other titles, "El laberinto de los endriagos", by Hugo Yuen, winner of the Gold Category in Novel and the winning poems "Colección privada o los colores ocultos de la turbación", by Marco Antonio Quijano, Gold category in Poetry, "La noche y su sombra" by Ernesto Zumarán, Silver category and "Bajo la mancha azul del cielo" by Alejandro Susti, Bronze category.