Awajun and Wampis communities sign agreement with PETROPERU

PETROPERU, in its political framework of social responsibility, has signed an Inter-Institutional Cooperation Agreement with the Awajun and Wampis communities of the Amazon region, to collectively collaborate for the sake of the native communities.
At noon on Monday June 6th, the ceremony took place at the Local Communal of Imaza located in the province of Bagua in the Amazon region. The pipeline operation Manager of PETROPERU, Jesus Angulo, said that the company will be promoting a series of actions for the sake of both parties which is also mentioned in the agreement. The manger pointed out that PETROPERU will keep a long term compromise with the community.
The agreement includes training for the population concerning to environmental matters, environmental quality protocols and monitoring, developing the cleaning activities of the road of the Peruvian Oil Pipeline, developing the right of way of the Peruvian Oil Pipeline, promoting the formation of the security guards to watch over the integrity of the Peruvian Oil Pipeline, etc. Moreover, PETROPERU will participate on the development of virtual and non virtual workshops to strengthen the abilities of the leaders and people of Awajun and Wampis.
Therein, PETROPERU ratifies its willingness to dialogue and collaborate with the communities surrounding the Peruvian Oil Pipeline, as well as its compromise to develop activities for the sake of the environment and the prosperity of the Peruvian Amazon.
Likewise, it stands out as one of the lead companies on talent retention.