Authorities verify on-site the latest attack on the North Peruvian Pipeline in Loreto

A delegation made up of the Criminal Prosecutor's Office, the Environmental Prosecutor's Office, Osinergmin, the Navy, the National Police and PETROPERÚ moved to the jurisdiction of the Urarinas district, Loreto province and region, to verify the damage caused by the latest attack on the North Peruvian Pipeline – ONP, at kilometer 59+131.
As reported by the state company on the eve, last Friday morning, an oil leak was found generated by an intentional cut, caused by unscrupulous people, which was immediately controlled by its staff who proceeded to close the valves. and the stoppage of the pumping that had been in activity since January 8. On the morning of today, Saturday, January 22, a clamp was installed in the area of the cut, as part of the hydrocarbon control and containment work.
During their verification visit, the authorities will verify in situ the damage to the environment and infrastructure of the ONP that has occurred with this new attack that harms not only the state company, but also the community and harms the activity of the industry in the area, since, with the transportation of crude oil, the ONP values the oil reserve of the northern jungle of the country.
It is important to emphasize that the crude product of the leak of this new attack was confined in the flotation channel, not affecting rivers, crops or nearby towns, since this construction's main objective is to retain the hydrocarbon in the event of ruptures in the pipeline, a situation that the competent authorities may verify during the visit they carry out as part of the corresponding investigations.
Environmental contingencies
As is known, from 2014 to date, the ONP has had to attend to 59 contingencies, of which 76% correspond to pipeline cuts and drilling to steal crude, criminal acts carried out by third parties.
The attention to these contingencies that considers the repair of the pipeline, as well as the cleaning and remediation work of the affected area has meant for PETROPERÚ an expense that exceeds 300 million soles.
Recurring attacks
In the territory of the Nueva Alianza community where the ONP passes, between 2016 and 2017 there were six cuts to the pipeline at km 51+570, km 51+767, km 53+310, km 54+200, km 55+500 and km 59+127.
The state company will coordinate with the residents represented in its authority so that the tasks that must be carried out for the remediation and cleaning of the area are carried out in a climate of social peace and harmony with the neighbors.
PETROPERÚ demands an end to these acts outside the law that threaten the infrastructure of a critical national asset of great importance for the development of the country, the environment and the native communities of the Amazon.