Authorities carry out an inspection visit to the New Talara Refinery

As part of the third decentralized session of the Energy and Mines Commission of the Congress of the Republic in the Piura region, national authorities carried out an inspection visit to the new Talara Refinery (NRT), the most important energy project in Peru, which it is in its final phase of safe, gradual and progressive start-up.
The delegation was made up of the Minister of Energy and Mines, Óscar Vera Gargurevich, the Vice Minister of Hydrocarbons, Enrique Bisetti Solari, the Vice Minister of Mines, Jaime Chávez Riva, the President of the Energy and Mines Commission, Jorge Luis Flores Ancachi, as well as congressmen members of that commission.
During the visit they were able to verify the progress of the start-up of the NRT, the same one that since February has been producing fuels with low sulfur content. In the same way, Petroperú informed that the NRT complies with the required permits in each of the stages and the start-up and start-up works of the new refining complex are carried out considering the highest security standards defined in the industry, the which are verified by the international licensors of the implemented technology.
It is estimated that, between the months of May and June 2023, the NRT will operate at one hundred percent, to later start the comprehensive guarantee tests with maximum load, with the participation of the licensing companies and contractors (Técnicas Reunidas and Cobra). , as has been done in the gradual and progressive start-up of each one of the units.
Likewise, the state company specified that the NRT has always had its comprehensive insurance policy, which has coverage greater than that required by current regulations and whose existence has been permanently reported to the competent authority. In addition to the comprehensive insurance policy, each NRT unit has a policy which covers the construction and start-up phase.
Regarding the operation of the northwest lots whose contracts are about to expire, the Ministry of Energy and Mines indicated that lots I, VI and Z-2B will be operated by Petroperú.
In the afternoon, the Chairman of the Company's Board of Directors, Carlos Vives Suárez, made a presentation at the Public Hearing organized by the Commission of Energy and Mines of the Congress of the Republic, where he spoke about the importance of Petroperú to supply the country of fuels, its presence at the national level, the progressive return to oil production, as well as the social and environmental benefits that the construction of the new Talara refinery has provided, including the scholarship program for young people from Talara, the inaugurated modular hospital in 2021 for the treatment of Covid-2019, training, medical campaigns, road rehabilitation, among others, with an approximate investment of 20 million dollars during the construction stage.
Likewise, he pointed out that the return to Petroperú of the northwest lots whose contracts are about to expire, will ensure the continuous and efficient supply of crude oil and natural gas to the NRT.
Petroperú's participation in the aforementioned lots would be profitable and with cash flows that self-finance the required investments, so it would not mean more debt for the company, the official said.
Local authorities participated in the event, as well as representatives of the civil society of that city.