Amazon communities will produce cocoa thanks to a Petroperú project

Petroperú has launched an innovative project for the production of cocoa that will directly benefit the native communities of Najaim Paraíso, Nueva Unida, Tayuntsa and Alto Pajakus, in the Amazonas region, seeking to improve the quality of life of dozens of families in the communities. neighboring Section II of the North Peruvian Oil Pipeline (ONP).
The project, called “Ikam Kiutamat” which means “let's conserve our forests”, seeks to promote and strengthen the cocoa value chain, taking into consideration that the commercialization of the product will be carried out through associative models with the communities, simultaneously implementing actions that help protect the environment.
The project, which will cover an area of 80 hectares of cocoa, will include the identification and selection of beneficiaries, as well as the cleaning and adaptation of agroforestry nurseries; as well as pest control, pruning and use of environmentally friendly inputs.
During the process, native communities will be trained - for four years - in the implementation of sustainable production systems, organizational strengthening and development of business skills, among other aspects.
The “Ikam Kiutamat” project seeks to generate a positive impact through the recognition of local culture, for which a didactic methodology will be applied in which the beneficiaries will be able to acquire skills and competencies for the proper management of cocoa cultivation in all its stages. .
Petroperú has always considered the native Amazonian communities as its strategic partners in the operation of the ONP. In this sense, it has a Social Management Policy and Plan that aims to establish mechanisms that directly benefit communities.