A successful practice against explosion and fire was carried out at the Iquitos Refinery pier

In order to test and validate the level of response of the emergency brigades, last Thursday, November 19, the "Detection and Deactivation of bomb, explosion and fire in Pier No. 2" drill was carried out at the Iquitos Refinery.
This facility, located on the banks of the Amazon River, has a Port Facility Protection Plan (PPIP) that must guarantee the protection of ships, people, cargo, transport units and provisions from dangers and risks in the event of any event.
During the drill, the emergency, evacuation and support, first aid, rescue, containment and spillage brigades were put into action, generating the displacement of watercraft, vehicles and personnel, among other actions that allowed corroborating the skills and performance of each brigade.
In this practice, the National Port Authority (APN), the Directorate of Captaincies and Park Rangers (DICAPI) and the National Police of Peru participated, through its Explosives Deactivation Unit (UDEX), who contribute to strengthening PETROPERU's continuous improvement process.