120 young Talara locals will study technical careers with comprehensive scholarships awarded by PETROPERÚ
PETROPERÚ, committed to the higher education of the population in the areas of influence of its operations, gave out 120 comprehensive scholarships for higher technical education to the same number of young Talara graduates from eight public educational institutions in the district of Pariñas (Talara), and that demonstrated an outstanding scholastic trajectory.
The selection process of the scholarship recipients, who graduated during the years 2018, 2019 and 2020, was carried out in coordination with the Local Educational Management Unit, UGEL Talara, and the directors of the educational institutions 14902 María Reina de la Paz, 15508 Domingo Savio, 15510 José Gálvez Egúsquiza, Institución Educativa Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, Coronel FAP Víctor Maldonado Begazo, Politécnico Alejandro Taboada, Ignacio Merino and La Inmaculada.
The technical careers will be dictated by the Mining Technological Center - CETEMIN, an institution of higher education licensed by the Ministry of Education, MINEDU, with extensive experience in the training of competent technical professionals. The duration of the programs will be eight months and will have two stages of four months each: the academic, virtually, and the practical, through an internship at CETEMIN's own facilities in the city of Lima.
In the first phase, the scholarship recipients will receive as a loan a laptop with a data plan to be able to successfully take the theoretical classes. Later, the students will be transferred to the CETEMIN Campus in Chosica, where they will begin the practical stage.
After the training, they will obtain their technical title on behalf of the Nation in widely required careers in the industrial, oil and mining sectors such as: Environment; Heavy Equipment Maintenance; Electrical Maintenance and Instrumentation; Risk Prevention, Safety and Occupational Health; Metallurgical and Chemical Processes; Mine Exploitation; and Geology and Explorations.
This initiative is part of the Social Management actions of the state oil company, framed in the Social Investment line of action, as part of the Education component of the Local Development Support Program of the Community Relations Plan of the Environmental Impact Study of the Talara Refinery Modernization Project (PMRT).