“Schools of Quality” program implemented by PETROPERÚ was completed with success

Despite the multiple restrictions caused by the health pandemic, as a result of COVID-19, PETROPERÚ fulfilled its objective of successfully completing the “Quality Schools” Program that -since 2018- implemented within the framework of its Social Management Policy, in benefit of more than fifty educational institutions, in various parts of the country.
This program was executed in a strategic alliance with the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, through which all participating teachers were certified. Likewise, over the past two years, the delivery of educational material and workbooks was delivered to hundreds of teachers and more than 11,000 students benefited.
It was in the schools of Talara and Sechura, in Piura; Olmos, in Lambayeque and Punchana-Maynas, in Loreto; in addition to Villa El Salvador, in our capital, where the state company complied with what was outlined: strengthening the capacities and knowledge of 62 directors, 407 teachers and 11,107 students.
Given the success achieved, new initiatives to support the education sector have been developed for this year, such as the “Program for the Improvement of the Labor Path” and “Educating today for tomorrow's work”. Both seek to strengthen and develop skills and competencies in the young beneficiaries, reinforcing all aspects of school leveling, placing emphasis on the areas of mathematical and verbal reasoning, especially of 3rd, 4th and 5th grade secondary school students.
It should be noted that these programs have been specially designed, by pedagogues and experts in different areas, with educational platforms that offer virtual spaces, within the framework of distance learning, adapted to the needs of teachers of all educational stages.
Undoubtedly, PETROPERÚ's commitment to bring development to the populations surrounding its operations, through the reinforcement of education, will be one of the tasks that the state oil company will keep in the forefront, seeking to take advantage of existing digital technologies to contribute to the student learning, regardless of their location in the country.