“Copersaciones de Oro” Cycle continues this Saturday, September 26

Like every Saturday, the PETROPERU Cultural Center continues with its cycle of online interviews called “COPErsaciones de Oro”, a program of virtual conversations with the first-place winners of the Gold Copé Award, a literary contest organized by PETROPERU.
This Saturday, September 26, at 11:00 am, the narrator and researcher from Cusco Luis Nieto Degregori will be interviewed, who with his story “María Nieves” won the 1992 Gold Copé Award. The comments will be in charge of the Argentine researcher Vanesa Miseres and the conduction as every week will be in charge of the writer Juan Manuel Chávez. The public will be able to follow the transmission through the Facebook Live of the PETROPERU Cultural Center: www.facebook.com/culturapetroperu
Luis Nieto Degregori studied Literature and Linguistics at the University of the Friendship of Peoples in Moscow. Two years spent in Ayacucho as a witness to violence fueled his first fictions: “Harta cerveza y harta bala” (1987), “La joven que subió al cielo” (1988) and “Como cuando estábamos vivos” (1989). He has written history books and novels throughout his literary career, in which he successfully ventured into children's literature and created the detective novel “La corona del Señor Moche” for young audiences. His work “El Guachimán y otras historias” (2008) was made into a film three years after its publication.
The previous interview of "COPErsaciones de Oro", had as protagonist Eduardo Paz Esquerre, 1989 Copé Oro Prize for his story "La iniciación suprema de Guacri Caur", who revealed an unknown fact: his work had three versions, the last version being the one written in the first person, rewriting the texts several times and relocating paragraphs, in an exhaustive work that, according to his words, improved the way of telling the story.
Yizza Delgado Devita (Venezuela), a doctor in Education and researcher in Social Sciences and Humanities (Venezuela), participated as a commentator, who highlighted the winning work of the Copé whose main character has Guacri Caur, considered the second Chimú curaca of the Trujillo Valley. The professor said that this story is a journey through the psyche of this governor of an ayllu, from a dream perspective, resulting in an "exquisite combination of history and archeology, without neglecting the esoteric."
It should be noted that Eduardo Paz Esquerre, a graduate in Journalism from the National University of Trujillo and a master's degree in Education, with a mention in University Pedagogy, from the same university, was part of the literary group Trilce de Trujillo, in the 1960s. published poetry books, essays and stories. In addition, he has been a finalist in the V Story Biennial 1987 Copé Award with the story «El desafío de los huacos».